Terms & Conditions


Customer: Refers to the individual or entity who has booked and paid for the tour through Andaman Pass. The customer is the primary beneficiary of the tour services offered.

Tour Agent: Refers to Andaman Pass, acting as the intermediary between the customer and the tour operator. The tour agent is responsible for facilitating the booking process and ensuring customer satisfaction. They hold a moral obligation to provide accurate information and support throughout the booking experience.

Tour Operator: Refers to the organization responsible for planning, organizing, and executing the tour, including hotel transfers. The tour operator holds the legal responsibility for delivering the services promised to the customer, ensuring safety, and addressing any issues that arise during the tour.

Tour Price
The tour price quoted includes transportation, transfers, accommodation, some meals, service charge, government tax, tours, etc., as outlined in each tour description. Some tour prices are based on a minimum participation of two persons. For one person travelling alone a surcharge as detailed in the price list will be levied.

Expenses other than those specified in each tour itinerary e.g. airport taxes, additional meals, sightseeing, cost of passport, visas or other documentation, laundry, liquor, excess baggage charges, tips, personal or baggage insurance, cable, telephone or communications charges, or any items of a personal nature are not included in the price quoted.

Transfers and Tours
In all major destinations tours and transfers are on a seat-in-coach/car basis.

Extension of Stay Expenses
Stopover expenses, accommodation, etc., for customers awaiting commencement of their chosen tour, after terminating, or while awaiting onward connections, are not covered in the tour price. In most cases, however, Andaman Pass can arrange for accommodation and other services at the point of arrival, or departure at special, favorable prices.

Tour Escort
All sightseeing tours and most transfers, however, which are operated on a seat-in-coach basis, include the service of a local English-speaking guide.

Program Changes
Andaman Pass
are pre-arranged packages and no individual program changes or modifications can be made. Andaman Pass reserves the right to rearrange the order of any tour itinerary, to cancel or to substitute elements of any plan without notice when local conditions force such changes.

A full payment by credit card or PayPal is required at the time when tour reservation is made.


  • 30 days before tour date = Fully refundable – 20 days before tour date = 75% refundable – 15 days before tour date : 50% refundable – Less than 15 days before tour date : Nonrefundable

All refunds are subject to administration fee of 5% the total booking value or equivalent of 500.00 THB minimum charge (whichever is greater).

After commencement of travel no refund, either in full or in part, will be given for unutilized services included in the program. Claims involving refunds require supporting evidence of cancellation and passengers are required to inform Andaman Pass in writing 30 days after tour end.

Responsibility of Andaman Pass and Activities
Andaman Pass
acts only as agent for the person or companies providing accommodation, transport or other services, hereinafter called ‘Service Providers’ and Andaman Pass issues all coupons, vouchers, tickets or other documents on the Service Providers’ terms and conditions.

The tour member acknowledges that neither Andaman Pass, nor its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, servants or agents shall be responsible or become liable in contract or tort for any injury, damage, loss, delay to person or property, additional expenses or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by any Service Provider or by “force majeure” or other events beyond Andaman Pass control, including, but not limited to war, civil disturbance, pilferage, delays, severe weather, Acts of God, Acts of Government, accidents to or failure of machinery, equipment, vehicles or industrial disputes.

Andaman Pass shall not be liable for, or responsible to, any tour member in the event of dissatisfaction based on personal opinion regarding the standard of service or accommodation provided by any Service Provider nor be liable or responsible for any disappointment, distress, lack of enjoyment arising from any act or omission whatsoever. Andaman Pass will only acknowledge liability in the case of proven justified complaints relating to specific and tangible inadequacies of facilities, accommodation or services provided. In the event of such a complaint the customer is requested to immediately contact Andaman Pass or the Service Provider, hotel etc., for remedial action to resolve any problem or irregularity at that time. Only if such a complaint has been lodged will the Andaman Pass consider to fully investigate and act on any complaint.

We strongly recommend that you take out a holiday insurance policy. Please ask your own insurance broker.

Change Policy

All changes to a tour (date, pick-up location etc) is free of charge and must be communicated via e-mail latest 18.00 the day before the tour by specifying the tour voucher number for the tour in question. An updated tour voucher will be sent to the customer by e-mail.

No Show

  1. Should the customer not be present for pick-up at the place and time specified on the tour voucher, or does not go on the tour for other reasons, no refund is applicable no matter the reason (including medical reasons) and any claims need to be submitted by the customer to the customer’s travel insurance company.
  2. Should the customer choose to provide own transportation to the tour, a map will be attached to the tour voucher and a latest arrival time will be specified. In the case of failure to arrive at the specified location at the latest arrival time and the tour cannot be provided, no refund is applicable.
  3. Should the tour operator fail to pick-up the customer, the customer (or the hotel reception) must call our hotline telephone number specified on the tour voucher 15 minutes after the specified pick-up time. Any other means of communication (e-mail, chat etc) is strictly not accepted. Should the tour operator claim that they were at the place and time specified on the tour voucher and we have not received such a telephone call from the customer no refund is applicable. To prove the case, request may be made to tour operator for GPS tracker log, photos etc and to customer for contact details of hotel staff witness, photos, hotel CCTV footage etc.


  1. Any claims in regards to a tour must be communicated by e-mail by the customer not more than 10 days after the tour date.
  2. Any personal incident/inconvenience that may lead to a claim must be reported to Andaman Pass at the time of occurrence by calling the hotline number specified on the tour voucher or by asking the tour guide to call our hotline number.
  3. Any refund due to an incident/inconvenience that has been fulfilled by paragraph 1 and 2 can only be granted if the incident/inconvenience is verifiable by the tour operator and the tour operator agrees to grant a refund.
  4. Any refund will be paid back in the same way as the tour was paid for. Refund for cash payment will be refunded via PayPal.

Receipt of Tour Voucher

  1. After booking and payment of a tour, the customer will receive a tour voucher by e-mail within 24 hours or latest by 21.00 if the tour is on the next day to the e-mail address specified by the customer at the time of booking. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to check that such an e-mail has been received and contact us immediately by e-mail if it has not been received.
  2. Any refusal to pay transfer fee and national park fee claiming that such information was not specified on the website or that a tour voucher with such payment information has not been received will result in refusal to participate in the tour and transportation back to the customer’s hotel will be born entirely by the customer and no refund of the tour payment will be granted.
  3. The above is also applicable for cancellation and changes to a tour requested by the customer as an updated tour voucher will be sent to the customer.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are not allowed on any speedboat tour, longtail boat tour, catamaran boat tour, ATV tour, elephant tour, white water rafting tour or Hanuman World. Should the tour operator refuse access to the tour due to pregnancy, no refund is applicable.

Children and elderly

Children under 1 years old and persons over 70 years old are not allowed on any speedboat tour, longtail boat tour or catamaran boat tour. Should the tour operator refuse access to the tour due to the age limits, no refund is applicable.

Children who go for free are not entitled to own seat space in the transfer bus or on the tour.


There is no space for luggage in the transfer buses. If the luggage cannot fit in the customer’s own seat space a dedicated seat space will have to be used for the luggage. The tour operator have the right to refuse luggage in the transfer bus should there not be any seat space available and the tour operator may charge extra for such luggage on their own discretion. Andaman Pass will not be able to tell how much will be charged for luggage.

Thai Citizens and National Park Fee

In order to pay the national park fee for Thai citizens, the customer needs to inform us at the time of booking about the number of Thai adults and Thai children who are being booked. Those persons need to bring a Thai identification to the tour. Failure to do so will result in that the customer will be charged national park fee for foreigners and no refund is applicable.

Tour Operator’s Disclaimer

The tour program is subject to change dependent on weather and sea conditions. In such a case no compensation is applicable.

Tour Agent’s Disclaimer

Andaman Pass use a determined tour operator for each tour and the tour program on the website is based on the tour program for that tour operator. However, if the tour with that tour operator is fully booked, Andaman Pass reserves the right to book with another tour operator for which the tour program is similar but may be slightly different.

Andaman Pass reserves the right to cancel a tour for anyone whom we, on our own discretion, decide has acted inappropriate or abusive to our service or staff. In such a case no refund is offered.

Andaman Pass will not offer any refund at all to anybody whom we found has been trying to get a refund in a fraudulent or abusive manner.

Website Content
The website content is subject to change without notice before the tour begins or during any tour. Andaman Pass has endeavors to ensure that all information on the website is accurate, but can accept no responsibility for inaccuracy, or truth of statements made. Illustrations are intended to set the mood for each tour destination and may not present actual views as seen on a specific tour. All fares and prices quoted in Andaman Pass are correct at the time of publishing.

Such fares, prices and international rates of exchange are subject to change, which in turn may affect tour prices quoted. Regardless of a deposit or full payment having been made, any increase in the tour price must also be paid by the tour member. If such increase is unacceptable, the tour member retains the right to cancel his/her booking. However, attention is drawn to the possibility that some cancellation charges may be imposed covering Andaman Pass cancellation cost.

Andaman Pass
may at any time modify these terms and conditions and your continued use of this site will be conditioned upon the terms and conditions in force at the time of your use.

Governing Laws
This Agreement and its performance shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Thailand and any dispute concerning it or its interpretation shall be adjudicated in that jurisdiction.

Additional Terms
Additional terms and conditions may apply to reservations, and other uses of portions of this site, and you agree to abide by such other terms and conditions.

Entire Agreement
This User Agreement, together with any terms and conditions incorporated or referred to herein, co nstitute the entire agreement between you and Andaman Pass relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) regarding the subject matter, and may not be amended or modified except in writing or by making such amendments or modifications available on this site.